Students in my Grade 6 Math class will be bringing home the new format of assessment that our junior division have been planning to use *tomorrow Oct. 14th if we have chromebooks. This assessment lines up with the Growth Mindset attitude. Research shows that when students are given a grade/level/mark on an assessment, the grade is the primary focus and the feedback is neglected. In order for our students to learn from the feedback that is provided we need to remove the grades from the assessment so they can focus on how to improve. Therefore, marks/grades/levels will not be posted on their assessments any longer. Please read the handout that is being sent home today to receive more information on this format of assessing.
Also, the students will receive there assessment as a hard copy. They will find all of there feedback in a document that is in the "Shared With Me" folder on google drive. Students also will have access to an answer key in order to self-correct.