Check the weather through Environment Canada for the most accurate forecast and assess what the general weather will look like for the duration of the day.
A NUT-FREE lunch and snacks
A reusable water bottle
Comfortable clothing
A light sweater
A hat or baseball cap
Running shoes ONLY
Ty your hair back if it is long
T-shirt and/or long sleeve shirt
Bug Spray (if you wish)
Long pants and/or shorts
NO electronic devices on the bus or on the camp premises (cell phones, Ipad, Ipod)
NO photos on bus or on the camp premises
NO flip-flops or open toed sandals
NO jewelry
NO tops with drawstrings *Dress in layers
Bonnenfant YMCA-Y Camp
Site Guidelines
For your safety and protection all program areas (climbing wall, shelter building, water front, etc.) are to be used under the direct supervision of a Y staff member only.
The chalet will be open for meals. Please do not enter other buildings, sheds and program spaces without the permission of a Y staff member. You may use the chalet washrooms or other designated washrooms with the permission of a teacher or parent volunteer. Always go with a partner.
Everyone must RESPECT the environment (trees, animals, buildings, equipment, etc.), camp leaders, parent volunteers, teachers and all other participants.