A few reminders: 1. MTHS permission forms due Monday. 2. Mock EQAO math test (round 2) Monday 3. Help fill our baking baskets by...
Visit to Mother Teresa High School
Students will have the oppotunity to visit Mother Teresa High school on Thursday May 18th. We will be leaving at 9;15 AM and return...
Art Performance
Students remember to wear dark pants and bright tops for the art performance this afternoon. Parents, we start at 2:30-3:30 in the gym....
Math Assessment Tomorrow
Tomorrow we will be having an assessment on probability. Some of the key concepts to keep in mind here is that probability can be...
Homework and Test on Wednesday
Students have a review sheet that they are asked to complete questions 1-4. Please bring in The Breadwinner books to be returned tomorrow.
Book Fair and Muffin Breakfast
Tomorrow students will be able to purchase items at the Book Fair please bring cash. There will also be a muffin breakfast for those that...